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Made in America Products by Channel Lock

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Showing 1 to 21 of 21 Made in USA products by Channel Lock.

Channel Lock

Adjustable Wrench - Metalworking Tools & Supplies [Channel Lock]

Bottle Openers - Metalworking Tools & Supplies [Channel Lock]

Channellocks - Metalworking Tools & Supplies [Channel Lock]

Crimper Pliers - Metalworking Tools & Supplies [Channel Lock]

Cutting Pliers - Metalworking Tools & Supplies [Channel Lock]

Level - Metalworking Tools & Supplies [Channel Lock]

Linemans Pliers - Metalworking Tools & Supplies [Channel Lock]

Long Nose Pliers - Metalworking Tools & Supplies [Channel Lock]

Long Reach Pliers - Metalworking Tools & Supplies [Channel Lock]

Multi Bit Drivers - Metalworking Tools & Supplies [Channel Lock]

Nutdrivers - Metalworking Tools & Supplies [Channel Lock]

Oil Filter Pliers - Metalworking Tools & Supplies [Channel Lock]

Pliers - Metalworking Tools & Supplies [Channel Lock]

Ratcheting Wrench - Metalworking Tools & Supplies [Channel Lock]

Rescue Tool Pliers - Metalworking Tools & Supplies [Channel Lock]

Retaining Ring Pliers - Metalworking Tools & Supplies [Channel Lock]

Screwdrivers - Home Improvement Tools & Supplies [Channel Lock]

Slip Joint Pliers - Metalworking Tools & Supplies [Channel Lock]

Tongue & Groove Pliers - Metalworking Tools & Supplies [Channel Lock]

Tool Sets - Metalworking Tools & Supplies [Channel Lock]

Wire Stripper Pliers - Metalworking Tools & Supplies [Channel Lock]

We can help find your made in America products from companies like Channel Lock.

CHANNELLOCK? has stood the test of time by making tools that do the same. Even after more than 125 years, it all comes back to Meadville, PA. From steel to store, every Channellock starts with high-carbon North American 1090 steel before it becomes that blue-handled masterpiece in your toolbox. Take our factory tour to experience the CHANNELLOCK? difference for yourself.

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